SwaziCompanions of Iowa

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Iowa and Swaziland: Companions in Mission

The goals of the companion diocese program are twofold: (1) to strengthen the Anglican Communion and (2) to strengthen one another. Our diocese has been in companionship with the Diocese of Swaziland since 1990. Over the years, many of you have heard about Iowa Episcopalians traveling to Swaziland (or have traveled there yourselves) and have met Swazis when they have visited here.

Because of the dire economic, health, and political issues in Swaziland, the focus of our companionship is often on how we can help. Of course, sharing our resources with our brothers and sisters in need is an appropriate response to God's call to compassion. But our companionship is about much more than service projects. As partners, we join in mutual ministry across boundaries of geography and culture: As we minister to Swazis, Swazis also minister to us, and together we minister to the world.

Harold Frakes, a longtime friend of Swaziland from Trinity Iowa City, has a favorite quote from Mother Teresa: “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” Diocesan companionships help us to live into the idea that we Anglicans belong to each other, even as we struggle with our differences. May God continue to work through us all as we seek to fulfill the church’s mission “to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ” (BCP, p. 855).

Swaziland Trip, November 10–23
This month, 11 Iowans will join Swazis as they dedicate the new church at Lomahasha and ordain three to the priesthood, including the first two female Swazi priests. We will also visit parishes around the diocese, learn about the work of St. Margaret’s orphanage and the Mother’s Union Orphan Project, join two work projects, and tour several national sights. (See itinerary and list of travelers, below.)

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Daily entries on this site will chronicle our journey. Comments and questions are welcome; simply click on the “comments” link below each entry.


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