SwaziCompanions of Iowa

Sunday, October 26, 2008

October 24- Elizabeth Ward

Friday, October 24
Elizabeth Ward
Six of us stayed behind in Mpaka today. We helped Terry with his dental assessment and also Mary Jane did a nutritional assessment of the children. After the children ate their lunch of Mealy meal, beetroot and beans, we started seeing the children in groups of four. We were told their typical meal was at 1 pm each day and that’s their only meal. It consists of a corn based porridge and beans. Today there were 43 children and 6 teachers that ate and for the vegetables their cooked with 1 leek, 2 tomatoes, and the greens from the top of the beets – and that’s all they had!
After Dr. Terry and Jane did their dental exam, I helped the kids brush their teeth with their new toothbrushes we gave them in their very own bags with prayer beads, which everyone was excited came from one of Fr. Charles’ churches.
The time spent there was a blessing.


  • How can I even respond? I am ashamed of our excesses.
    Praying for you,
    Chris K.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:40 PM  

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