SwaziCompanions of Iowa

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Twelth Night Festival at Christ Church, Cedar Rapids

O, come let us give thanks in the house of the Lord:
For the festive reception hosted on January 6, 2006 by the Roses and Sandbergs;
For the glowing candles, three magi, and star-led procession, and for the joyful singing and sermon of the Epiphany service;
For the 100 people enjoying the culinary miracle of turducken and trimmings perfected under Diane Pettifor's excellent leadership;
For the artistic transformation of the undercroft created by Susie Streit;
For Libby Slappey's laughter-promoting auctioneering that netted $5,000 and counting to build a school for orphans in Mpaka, Swaziland;
For all the many people who cooked, set up, cleaned up, signed up, offered meals for auction, bid at the auction, made generous donations, and participated in a myriad of countless important ways,
We give thanks.

—Christ Church Twelfth Night Festival Committee and Swazi Companions


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