We are at the mercy of the Swazi wireless...so here are words from Stevie Shively from our week at the first healthcare clinic:
Prayer partners have been essential to our time here, "I cannot thank those you who did this for us enough! Your support and prayers are so important to us all! Matthew 6:25-34
"But strive for the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well." How small our contribution seemed compared to what we received from all those who touched our lives during the clinic!
Our days started EARLY with our alarms (roosters) going off anywhere from 1:30-5:00 AM. Kendra and Elizabeth stayed with one family, Evan and Carl+ another, they were close in proximity, and Holly and Kaelly were with another, while Terry and I stayed closer to town with Nezzie and Ethel...the same family Bishop Alan stayed with while he was here. We ate breakfast each morning with our "family" then were on the road to Maphungwane with Carl+ and Father Peter (The Rock) by 7:15AM each day. The drive took us 30 minutes down a a road that looked and felt like a dried river bed. The clinic was very close to the Mozambique border. We passed many rural home and children walking to school in their uniforms and back packs, some over two miles away.
The clinic consists of a "waiting/reception" area outside the building on wooden benches where the children sit until their names are called. The teachers bring the students with their "Parent Permission" forms which are required by the Minister of Health in Swaziland before they are allowed to be seen by the doctor. One by one they come to Kendra. She and the nurse evaluate their health before sending them to Dr. Terry for treatment. Three nursing students help us each day, Francis started the week and and then Charity, Sibosiso, and Mpumi continued from a local hospital called the Good Shepherd where they had just finished their two year training. Some patients are given the "green light" to go on their way, as their teeth are healthy. Kaelly and Evan are in charge of keeping the children occupied with songs, books, crafts (friendship bracelets) and/or games. Evan's soccer ball was a hit, as were the bubbles that Kaelly blew. Charity and Elizabeth maintained a smooth flow of patients while Sibosiso assisted Dr. T and Stevie in the "operatory." Holly made sure all instruments, etc. were sanitized and sterile throughout the day. Carl+ was our "mann" with many hats! He either repaired a dental chair, kept us happy and hydrated, or was the "go to guy" when we needed something! Mostof all, he was always praying...
Lunch was served each day around 2pm, by the women from Fr. Peter's parish. They delivered wonderful food, filling two six foot tables with meat, vegetables, salad, dessert, and soft drinks each day. We were serve goat the first day, a total honor here in Swaziland. We worked until 5PM each day due to darkness falling so early. We saw 119 patients Monday, 160 Tuesday and more to come.
Our families were waiting for us each evening with dinner being served shortly there after. Many memories were shared and information exchanged at the dinner table with our new found friends. We each were given a bucket of water to wash up in, and it was time for bed...ready for the next day...what a priviledge it is to serve the people we are working with....