SwaziCompanions of Iowa

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday, 25February

The workshop for principals/headmasters of Anglican schools Wednesday started shortly after 9am and concluded about 4:30pm.  This is the second year for bringing the principals together in order to bring about some coordination/cooperation among the Anglican schools.  The workshop concentrated on the legal expectations of the headmaster under Swaziland law.  I feel a bit like the blind man in the gospel after Jesus has touched his eyes the first time, “I can see people, but they look like trees walking.” (Mk 8:24).  Education law and the working of the schools is much different from in Iowa.  In many ways the school is the principal in the eyes of the law.  I think that most legal problems in the past have involved disputes between teacher and principal or parents and a teacher.  So much of the day dealt with responsibilities and record-keeping.  The Principal is responsible for educating his/her teachers about their legal responsibilities.

We had a short break to get back to the apartment before returning for supper with the Cathedral leadership – clergy, wardens, other members of the P.C.C. (I think that is Parish Church Council).  Those present represented outposts of the Cathedral as well as the Cathedral congregation itself.
All Saints' P.C.C. diners

Today was a bit easier.  We worked awhile this morning with Thandi on the long-term plans for the Social Development Office and then took it easy this afternoon.  I developed a sinus cold last Friday – which is mostly gone now.  However, Mary Jane is dealing with similar symptoms.  We decided it was time to cut into that Paw Paw (papaya) that Dalcy gave us Monday – so have enjoyed some of that today.  I think that on Saturday we will be sitting in on some of the ministry training led by Fr. Charles – not sure if this is with lay ministers or with those who are working toward ordination.


  • Winnie tells me that met her at church the other day. She is certainly a very talented young lady.

    By Blogger Harold R., at 4:14 PM  

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