SwaziCompanions of Iowa

Friday, August 22, 2008

Meet Team Iowa ~ SwaziJourney 2008

Bishop Alan Scarfe & Donna

will lead the Diocese of Iowa mission team to Swaziland

Bishop Alan ~ "This trip to Swaziland was planned with Bishop Mabuza, when we met in Madrid, Spain last June at the Episcopal/Anglican Companion Diocese Conference, and is a natural extension of Meshack and Lucy's visit to Iowa in 2005 for our Healing Mission Tour. We hope to deepen our Companion Diocese relationship with such visits, as we continue to learn from each other and worship together. I will be honored as a Canon of the Cathedral in Mbabane, Swaziland, during the 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Diocese of Swaziland."

Donna Scarfe ~ "I am looking forward to meeting old friends in Swazland and making new ones! Lucy Mabuza has been a wonderful inspiration to me as a Bishop's wife with her prayers, her concern for the people and her work with the Mother's Union. We also swap stories of how difficult it is to keep our Bishop in order!"

Jim Brady, Trinity Episcopal Church, Iowa City ~ "For many years, I've wanted to go to Africa on a mission trip. Being able to go to Swaziland at this time with this team of Iowans is nothing short of a miracle... a transforming abundance of loaves & fishes in my life."

Lydia Brown, St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Ft. Dodge ~ " I went to Swaziland two years ago, and I want to return to reconnect with the people, especially the children of Mpaka. I am eager to do more preparation for my penpal project -- connecting the children of Iowa with the children of Swaziland."

Angela Zahn, Christ Episcopal Church, Burlington ~ "I have a calling to continue my journey to strengthen my faith and my community. I know I can learn a lot from the Swazi people -- they are a people of suffering, little means and experience injustice, yet can still see the beauty in day to day life. They have a strong faith in God and are not giving up."

Elizabeth Ward, St. Alban's Episcopal Church, Spirit Lake ~ "I feel called to help the people of Swaziland and I have had more interest to go on a mission trip and the opportunity arose, so I am pleased to attend! I hope to learn more about our companion diocese and the people of Swaziland."

Dan Rockwell, Christ Episcopal Church, Cedar Rapids ~ "I am interested in assisting the Swazis in developing sanitary water supplies & making Swazi friendships. I'm looking forward to experiencing Africa with my wife, Melody."

Melody Rockwell, Christ Episcopal Church, Cedar Rapids ~ "I am looking forward to celebrating and worshipping with the Swazi people, gaining a better understanding of ways to deepen our Iowa-Swazi companion relationship, and expressing my gratitude in person to my Anglican brothers and sisters for their spiritually uplifting and life-changing gifts to me."

Chuck Lane, Trinity Episcopal Church, Waterloo ~ "I said, 'Once I retire, I will travel to Swaziland to meet the people & learn about their culture.' And, now I am realizing that retirement dream."

Jane Ringwald, St. John's by the Campus, Ames ~ "I am interested in the chlorinators we are taking to increase access to safe water in Swaziland, and want to learn all I can about the people of Swaziland, so that I can encourage others to participate in this ministry. I am especially interested in young people and their needs."

Rev. Mary Jane Oakland, St. Paul's, Marshalltown ~ "I am going on this mission trip to learn from my Swazi brothers & sisters. I am in awe of their joyful, deep faith in the midst of living with suffering and death from the scourge of HIV/AIDS and years of famine. I want to learn to move from that Western problem-solving mind through what they will teach me in so many ways, including the 40th anniversary celebration of the Diocese of Swaziland. 'I come with joy to meet my Lord.' "

Jane Perrett, St. Alban's, Spirit Lake ~ "I'd like to gain a greater knowledge of the Swazi people, their spirituality & worship. This will be a new experience for me & one in which I will gain understandings very different from my everyday life."

Marva Eck, Church of Our Savior, Claremont ~ "I want to meet my neighbor in another country & hope to convey that I am truly glad to be there & concerned about their well being."

Dr. Terry Shively, St. Alban's, Spirit Lake -- "I have a commitment to the people of Swaziland, especially the students & teachers at St. Augustine's school in Mpaka. I hope to develop closer relations with them as well as participating in the life & celebrations of the Diocese of Swaziland & extending the oral health program started in 2006."

Lydia Kelsey, diocesan youth missioner: "Traveling to Swaziland for mission, evangelism & celebration is an opportunity that doesn't come along very often. I feel blessed to have this opportunity... & look forward to getting to know our Swazi brothers & sisters in Christ, & then telling stories of our companionship so others in our diocese can share that connection."

Rev. Carl Mann, rector, St. Alban's, Spirit Lake: "I feel called to go on this mission to Swaziland & hope to learn more about our companion diocese & how they live & worship."

Rev. John Doherty, deacon, Cathedral of St. Paul, Des Moines: "I am going on this mission trip because of my interest in safe drinking water in Swaziland. I've been active in raising money & support for relief efforts, including riding in the Waters of Hope bike ride, May 2008." John says: "See www.watersofhope.org "

Mike Mears, St. Alban's, Spirit Lake: "I feel called to this mission to help God help his children, especially the orphans, in Swaziland. I appreciate all the prayers & support for our team, because all of us united in prayer will help give us knowledge of God's will, and the strength and power to carry it out."


  • Keep up the good work.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:50 PM  

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